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Valedictorian Award

BACH III / 12th Grade

The graduating student who receives the highest cumulative average over three (3) years will be recognized at the graduation ceremony as the Valedictorian. The graduating student with the second highest cumulative average will be recognized as the Salutatorian. These are the two most prestigious honors offered at ASFM. Candidates for Valedictorian and Salutatorian must have completed 3 full school years (6 full semesters) at ASFM to be considered.


2018-2019 Alejandro González Lázaro
2014-2015 Federico Jose Derby Elizondo
2013-2014 Abiel Gutierrez Zambrano
2012-2013 Pablo Andrés Pozas Guerra
2011-2012 Martha Alejandra García Garza
2010-2011 Tania Palazuelos
2009 -2010 Alejandro Serna Garza