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If you are not currently enrolled at ASFM please read below.
Alumni transferring to another institution will need the following documents:

  • Kardex (in Spanish) - If applying to universities in Mexico.
  • U.S. HS Transcript (in English) - If applying abroad (outside of Mexico).


** Unofficial transcripts can be provided to students in a sealed envelope.
***Official transcripts with other confidential documents will only be sent directly to universities/institutions via certified mail
Please notice that for courier services to another country,  you must pay the cost of the shipping service (which is established in the Document Request Form) together with the cost of the transcript. If you need to send the documents requested to a destination within México you must call Mónica Martinez 8288-4400 ext 4434, so she can calculate the shipping service cost and then you can proceed to pay.Here is the information you will need to complete the transfer payment for the transcript and the shipping service.


Beneficiary: American School Foundation of Monterrey AC
Bank: Banorte
Clabe: 072 580 00120004468 5
Account: 0120004468
*Add a zero before the Account number in case it doesn't seem to work. Reference: Student ID Number + Documents Shipping
Sucursal: Plaza Tanarah


Bank: TD Bank, N.A
Bank Address: 300 Delaware Ave, Wilmington DE 19801 USAp
Account Type: Checking
Routing Number/ABA: 031101266
Account Number: 4407601023
Beneficiary Name: American School Foundation Of Monterrey
Beneficiary Address: Ignacio Morones Prieto No 1500 Col San Isidro, Santa Catarina CP. 66190 México

** Once the payment has been made please send a copy of the receipt to and so we can account for your deposit

Complete the Official Document Request Form (below) and follow the steps below depending on your request

Don't forget to provide the shipping information on the form where your documents need to be sent:

            - Name of the contact (person or office)
            - Address (make sure it is not a P.O. BOX address)
            - Phone number of the contact

* Transcripts and other document requests from the form will be ready for pickup/courier 5 business days after you make the payment.

If you have any further questions, please send an email to


Kardex and Secretaría de Educación (SE) documents

If you are alumni and you need to request a Kardex and/or other documents related to Secretaría de Educación please contact Magda Tristan or Sandra Salazar from the SE Liaison Office in Elementary.
Magda Tristan      Tel. 81-5000-4441
Sandra Salazar           Tel. 81-5000-4440

Updated on  March 2022