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OCT 18th - 20th Swimming All CAT AUG 28th SEP 4th
NOV 1st -3rd Basket. 3x3 2009 / 2010 / 2011 INGLÉS SEP 4th SEP 11th
NOV 7th -10th Track & Field All CAT OCT 15th OCT 17th
NOV 13rd -17th Soccer Juv. C. Minor Girls & Boys CAP SEP 10th SEP 17th
NOV 13rd-17th Basketball Juv. C. Minor Girls & Boys CAP SEP 10th SEP 17th
DEC 5th - 8th Flag Football Juv. A,B y C ASFM SEP 11th SEP 18th
JAN 23rd-27th Volleyball Juv. B y C Girls & Boys CAT OCT 1st OCT 10th
JAN 30th - FEB 4th Soccer 7 Juv. A y B Girls & Boys CAP OCT 9th OCT 16th
FEB 6th-10th Basketball Juv. B Girls & Boys ASF OCT 15th OCT 22nd
FEB 14th-18th Basketball Juv. C Girls & Boys ASFM OCT 17th OCT 24th
FEB 20th-24th Volleyball Infantile y Juv. A Girls & Boys ASFG OCT 22nd NOV 5th
FEB 27th - MAR 3rd Soccer Juv. B Girls & Boys ASF NOV 5th NOV 12nd
MAR 4th-9th Soccer Juv. A Girls & Boys INGLÉS NOV 19th NOV 26th
MAR 6th-10th Basketball Infantile Girls & Boys AIM NOV 20th NOV 27th
MAR 14th-16th Ajedrez Infantile, Juv. A Girls & Boys INGLÉS NOV 26th DEC 3rd
MAR 14th-16th Paddle Juvenil A, Juvenil B Grils &Boys JFK NOV 28th DEC 5th
MAR 15th-16th Poms Juvenil A , Juvenil B Tirls and Boys JFK NOV 28th DEC 4th
MAR 21st-24th Tennis all ASF DEC 12th JAN 8th
MAR 27th-31st Soccer Infantile Girls & Boys ATS DEC 12th JAN 7th
APR 3rd-7th Basketball Juv. A Girls & Boys SRIS DEC 12th JAN 15th
APR 4th-8th Soccer Juv. C Girls & Boys ASFM DEC 12th JAN 16th


Infantile 2013-2014
Juvenile "A" 2011-2012
Juvenile "B" 2009-2010
Juvenile "C" minor 2007-2008
Juvenile "C" 2005-2006