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Food Services and Nutrition

Food Service & Nutrition Department Mission
Our mission is to guarantee that the school’s food services provide a range of affordable, fresh and nutritious food options through food safety practices, nutrition guidelines and perfect service.

The Food Services and Nutrition department works to develop and strengthen, through educational programs, healthy eating habits to ensure the physical and emotional growth of the ASFM community including students, faculty and staff; to achieve a healthy and successful life as stated in ASFM’s vision.

Rebeca Najera

ASFM Food Service & Nutrition Department Coordinator: Rebeca Najera
Cafeteria Provider: MC+

ASFM offers cafeteria service operated by an external provider, who is regulated by:

  1. ASFM´s internal policies - ASFM's Food Service & Nutrition Department
  2. Local/State/Federal Health & Education Authorities
  3. Distintivo H ( Food Handling Safety Protocols)



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